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School Site Plan

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23/24 Berry SPSA Summary

LCAP  Goal 1 - Ensuring Academic Excellence 

Provide a differentiated, responsive, and well-rounded academic experience based on instructional practices that make a significant difference in the lives of all students.

Berry Goal 1 – All students will demonstrate academic growth in both mathematics and ELA in pursuit of academic excellence as demonstrated by the measures below:

CAASPP ELA - from 26.3% (21/22) to 31% (22/23) meet or exceeds standards

ELPAC Progress - from MEDIUM performance range to HIGH performance range

CAASPP Math - from 10.8% (21/22) to 15% (22/23)meet or exceeds standards 

Fastbridge Early Math - 31% K/1 high risk (21/22) to 39% K/1 high risk and 46% K/1 (21/22) to 39% K/1 (22/23) low risk

Fastbridge aMath - 33% 2nd-6th (21/22) high risk to 28% 2nd-6th (22/23) and 29% 2nd-6th (21/22) low risk/college path to 34% 2nd-6th (22/23) 

Fastbridge Early Reading - 47% K/1 high risk (21/22) to 42% K/1 high risk and 17% K/1 (21/22) to 22% K/1 (22/23) low risk

Fastbridge aReading - 32% 2nd-6th (21/22) high risk to 27% 2nd-6th (22/23) and 31% 2nd-6th (21/22) low risk/college path to 36% 2nd-6th (22/23) 

Strategies/Activities –

1 – Fall and/or Spring Tutoring Sessions and Enrichment Programs – All Students (ELOP funds)

2 – IAs for literacy and math intervention – At Promise Students (Title I funds)

3 – Impact Teacher 80 Days - Math/ELA Interventions - At promise students (Title I and Title III Funds)

4 – After school intervention classes for math/English/Enrichment – At promise students ELLs (ELOP Funds)

5 – Hands-on experiences - Field Trips and Creation of  STEM Lab– All Students (Title 1 Funds)

6 – ELA Intervention curriculum and licenses – At promise students (Title I and Title III Funds

7 – Grade level release time to analyze data, create intervention groups and create interventions – At Promise students (Title I Funds)

LCAP Goal 2 - Advancing Equity and Inclusion 

Create a culture of equity and inclusion through the elimination of systematic barriers to individual success and the development of culturally responsive practices

Berry Goal 2 – Berry is committed to increasing student voice on campus. The school is also committed to ensuring access and equity for historically underserved student populations and promoting inclusion for all students. 

CA Healthy Kids Survey - Being Treated Fairly - 22/23 50% of students say “all the time” and 21% say “some of the time” that teachers treat them fairly. Increase this for 23/24 to 65% “all the time” and drop to no more than 15% “some of the time

CA Healthy Kids Survey - Class Activities - 22/23 50% of students say they “sometimes or never” get asked to develop rules or are asked what class activities they would like this will decrease in 23/24 to 25%

CA Healthy Kids Survey - School Activities - 22/23 71% of students say they “sometimes or never” get asked to develop rules or are asked what school activities they would like this will decrease in 23/24 to no more than 30%

CA Healthy Parent Survey - Understanding classes or groups students are in - 22/23 53% responded they understand this “very well.” This will increase in 23/24 to at least 75%

CA Healthy Parent Survey - Respect Cultural Beliefs/Practices - 22/23 84% of parents report the school “promotes respect of cultural beliefs/practices. This will increase in 23/24 to at least 90%

Suspension Data - 21/22 Dashboard data shows HIGH category in Chronic Absenteeism. 23/24 will improve to MEDIUM in Chronic Absenteeism. 

Strategies/Activities –

8 – Ensure more student voice through, student council, student led assemblies, the use of street data, such as fishbowls. Empathy interviews, and equity walks - All Students (No Funds)

9 – School will engage in culturally-responsive PD in team meetings and participate in Equity Conferences – All Students (Title I Funds)

10 – School will conduct Data analysis meetings to ensure students typically underserved are progressing toward grade standards – At Promise Students (Title I Funds)

11 – Staff will create school wide events that acknowledge, celebrate and teach the contributions and achievements of individuals from historically underrepresented cultural backgrounds. A school-wide master calendar will be created to map out events, assemblies, and activities for the year by the School Culture and Social Committee (SCSC) – All Students (No Funds)

12 – Purchase books that represent historically underrepresented cultural backgrounds - All Students (Lottery Funds)

 LCAP  Goal 3 - Nurturing Safe and Welcoming Learning Environments 

Ensuring nurturing, safe, and welcoming, learning environments which support and foster the social emotional needs of students and foster a sense of belonging and connectedness

Berry Goal 3 – Berry is committed to creating a positive, safe, and engaging school climate for all students. Berry is committed to creating a school environment that addresses the social and emotional needs of all students and creates a culture where all students feel like they are part of a healthy community. Schoolwide RISE expectations (Responsibility, Integrity, Safety, and Empathy) will continue to be the foundation of the Berry work around creating a safe and welcoming environment. 

CA Healthy Kids Survey - Part of the school - 22/23 21% of students report they “sometimes feel part of the school.” This will decrease in 23/24 to no more than 10% and students that say “part of the school all the time will go up from 71% to 80%

CA Healthy Kids Survey - Feel Safe at School - 22/23 29% of students reported the “feel safe at school all the time.” This will increase in 23/24 to at least 45% while the percent of students that report “never feeling safe” will decrease from 22/23 at 7% to 23/24 at most 2%

CA Healthy Parent Survey - Participation in Events - 22/23 53% of parents reposted that they participated in either a PTA event or Fundraising Event. This will increase in 23/24 to at least 75%

Strategies/Activities –

1 – Site specific professional development on MTSS systems of support to support all students in academics and behavior during team meetings – All Students (No Funds)

2 – Implementation of Caring School Community social emotional learning curriculum including daily class circles to build community, connectedness, and belongingness – All Students (No Funds)

3 – Increasing opportunities for parent participation on campus through Fall/Spring Festivals, fundraisers, monthly assemblies, parenting classes, among other things – All Students (Title I Funds)

4 – Professional Development specific for part-time, classified team members, such as supervision assistants and instructional assistants, in MTSS. Trauma Informed Care, and student engagement. – All Students (LCFF Base Funds)

5 – Create grade level schedules that ensure that every classroom has time built into their schedule for classroom meetings/circles to increase belongingness and classroom culture – All students (No Funds)

6 – School will use the FastBridge SAEBRS assessment (or other all school assessment) to identify and monitor the progress of students with elevated mental health needs – All Students (No Funds)

7 – After school enrichment classes to increase school engagement for students who are historically underserved with specific effort in developing students’ self-efficacy – At Promise Students (ELOP Funds)