Families and Students » PTA Information

PTA Information

Berry PTA Board  

PTA Executive Board 

President Stephanie A Martinez 

VP 1 Memberships Dina Chacon

VP 2 Fundraising Steven Ownes 

Treasurer Virginia Gutierrez

Secretary Stephanie M Martinez

Historian Nayeli Martinez  


PTA Membership Drive

Have you joined our PTA yet?  If not, it's not too late.   The PTA membership fee is $11.  Please consider becoming a PTA member by visiting https://jointotem.com/ca/san-diego/godfrey-g-berry-elementary-pta


Campaña de membresía de la PTA
¿Ya te uniste a nuestra PTA? Si no, no es demasiado tarde. La cuota de membresía de la PTA es de $11. Considere convertirse en miembro de la PTA visitando https://jointotem.com/ca/san-diego/godfrey-g-berry-elementary-pta